Wednesday, July 14, 2010

its bastille day!

Here's one of my favorite photos I took in Paris. It was totally worth getting up at dawn for that purple sky.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

up on the roof: Big Bambú

i finally made it up to the roof of the met to see the sculpture installation "Big Bambu" by artists Doug and Mike Starn.

It's a living, growing, sculpture made of freshly cut bamboo bound together with cord.

The stairs reminded me of swiss family robinson...

If you go, make sure to get the "on the roof" cocktail, with rum, coconut water, lime & of COURSE a stick of bamboo!

bergdorf goodman windows

the window displays at bergdorf goodman continue to stop me in my tracks.

These antique mannequin heads were somewhere in between creepy and chic for me...

Thursday, July 8, 2010

When I wasn't touring a Gaudí sight or eating in an outdoor cafe in barcelona, I was at the beach. I have a crafty plan for all these beautiful shells I found- stay tuned!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Gonzalez Buendia, Untitled

I limited my purchases in Spain to items I could not find at home. This painting from el rastro flea market in madrid fit the bill. The beautiful beach scene is of a town called Lanzada on the west coast of spain. (I'm afraid I now have yet another place on my list to visit.) The artist gonzalez and his wife were so sweet and I was thrilled to make such a great find!

Monday, July 5, 2010

spanish sugar

As a graphic designer its not a surprise that i collect business cards for typography and design as well as a remembrance of where I've been. However they were not too common on my trip to Spain. Wanting to remember where I had been, I took these sugar packets labeled with all the restaurant information that always came with my coffee. Fortunately, I take my coffee strong and without sugar and never needed to open them. I think they're charming, nostalgic, and quite sweet :)

Friday, July 2, 2010

postcard and flyer design...

I recently started working with the Dorchester Educational Enrichment Program (otherwise known as Project D.E.E.P) in Dorchester, MA. Beth asked me to create a postcard and flyer (that could be printed in their office) to promote a summer exam prep course. Being mindful of budget, we went with a fun, colorful "school notebook" design that avoided extra costs for images.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

wedding card

Here's my last crafty item to post on Delia's wedding. After I made the larger decoration flowers, I sewed a miniature one for the card.